Speckledy høne
Speckledy History
The Speckledy is a modern hybrid and comes from a Rhode Island Red crossed with a Maran. The feathering closely resembles that of a Maran but it is a far more prolific egg layer. They are large yet elegant birds with a deep breast, upward pointing tail and pale legs. The comb is medium, red and serrated and the face is smooth. The earlobes and wattles are small and smooth and the beak curved and mottled. They have pale bay eyes.
Speckledy Behaviour
The Speckledy is a docile, easily handled bird. They are excellent and reliable layers of dark chestnut brown eggs which are usually speckled. The eggshells are particularly strong and the yolks deep yellow. They are well suited to free ranging and enjoy foraging. Their feathers are silky soft and abundant.
Speckledy Varieties
Speckledys are cuckoo coloured with the colouration ranging from very dark grey to silver.
Billeder af Speckledy

Speckledy For Sale
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