Ko Shamo høne

Ko Shamo History
The Ko Shamo is a breed from Japan and is used in cock fighting, where it is still legal (Japan). They are very strong, muscular, upright birds with sparse plumage. It is classed as a true bantam as there is no larger counterpart and the most popular of all game birds. It is the smallest of the 7 breeds in the Shamo Family. It has a short, thick beak, clean legs and a rose/walnut or chrysanthemum comb. They have unusual red skin which is often shown at the keel due to their sparse plumage.
Ko Shamo Behaviour
The Ko Shamo is an intelligent and active breed of chicken that is best suited to free ranging. It is said that they do not cope well with confinement, so best kept in a very large run with access to the outside to prevent boredom. The hens lay small white eggs 2-3 times a week during the spring/Summer and do sometimes go broody. Due to their size, lack of plumage and clumsiness, they can often break the eggs when sitting. An incubator or using a broody hen of another breed would be best if you would like to breed this chicken. They are described as very cheeky, hardy and if given enough space to roam and sufficient protection from the elements, they do well in the back garden and are an unusual addition to a flock. Males do fight as that is what they were bred for. They are very aggressive when they do fight, so it is not recommended to keep more that one male. If you would like to breed these chickens, then at least 4-5 hens is best per cockerel to prevent too much attention with one hen. Males are generally not aggressive towards humans and can become very tame.
The cocks weigh up to 2 pounds, with the hens around 1.5 pounds.
Ko Shamo Varieties
Duckwing, Black, White, Blue, Ginger, Splash Spangled, Cuckoo, Black/Red, Partridge.
Ko Shamo Status
Fairly common
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