Spansk høne

Spanish History
The Spanish is one of the oldest breeds of domesticated chicken. It's distinctive white face is easily recognised and it is prized as a show bird in poultry shows. It's exact origin is unknown, but it is unlikely to have come from Spain. Spanish chickens have glossy plumage and chalk white, over developed, low hanging ear lobes and a single red comb. They were originally bred for egg laying, and have the nick name 'the Clown Chicken'!
Spanish Behaviour
The Spanish is said to be a wild and active breed but it does tolerate confinement well. They are not winter hardy, so a run area must be well protected from the elements for this breed to flourish. Due to breeders concentrating their efforts into producing the whitest face, the hardiness of the breed has been lost. They are a curious breed and enjoy free ranging, but can be noisy at times. They are very slow to mature, with the distinctive white face becoming more apparent after the first annual moult. Hens lay very large chalk white eggs, and lots of them. From a pure breed, you can expect 180+ eggs per year which is pretty good going. They make a great addition to a back garden flock.
Cocks weigh around 8 pounds, with hens lighter at 6.5 pounds.
Spanish Varieties
Black, Blue (lavender), and very rarely white.
A miniature version is also available and more popular.
Spanish Status
Fairly common
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